
“Anthropology provides these amazingly powerful, flexible tools that enable us to investigate every aspect of the human experience: from tackling the social and environmental challenges of the digital age, to solving complex forensic and medical cases, to unearthing the greatest mysteries of the ancient past. I can’t imagine a better way to prepare for an unpredictable future than an experiential, holistic anthropological education.”
– A.J. Alveshere
I am currently an Associate Professor of Anthropology at Western Illinois University (WIU). I also teach select courses for the Forensic Chemistry, Biological Sciences, Liberal Arts and Sciences, and Museum Studies programs. I have been a member of the WIU faculty since 2013.
Courses Taught at WIU
ANTH 110 – Intro to Cultural Anthropology. Survey of basic concepts and approaches of Anthropology to the study of human beings. Study of worldwide cultures from prehistoric to the present.
ANTH 111 – Intro to Physical Anthropology and Archaeology. Study of human evolution from the perspectives of both biological and social sciences. Examination of the evolution of culture and the methods of its interpretation.
ANTH 201 – World Culture Regions: The Middle East. Surveys of the cultural adaptations of different regions of the world. Either the peoples of Africa, Asia, Latin America, the Middle East, or the Pacific will be studied each time the course is offered. The region will be announced in the time schedule.
ANTH 215 – Fantastic Archaeology: Ancient Astronauts, Shape Shifters, and Bigfoot. This course examines alternate interpretations of the human past as a way to explore the nature of knowledge, develop critical thinking skills, and learn how anthropological and archaeological theory and methods may be used to distinguish between science and pseudoscience.
ANTH 310 – Methods in Physical Anthropology. This course provides an introduction to physical anthropological methods, including assessing human variation, interpreting the human fossil record, and techniques in forensic anthropology. Students gain an understanding of the tools used in the analysis of primate and human skeletal remains.
ANTH 325 – Laboratory Analysis of Archaeological Material (WIU Field School). Instruction in the study of material remains recovered from archaeological sites. Processing techniques and methods of analysis presented to introduce students to research in prehistory.
ANTH 326 – Archaeological Field Methods (WIU Field School). Intensive field training in the theory, problems, methods, and ethics of archaeological research. Usually taught during summer months at a site located some distance from campus.
ANTH 381 – Old World Archaeology. Study of major developments in the prehistory of Africa, Europe, and Asia. Examination of earliest man and his cultures through the rise of complex societies.
ANTH 404G – Dynamics of Cultural Change. Examination of cultural change resulting from social forces, intercultural contact, and changes in the natural environment, focusing on the role of “conflict” and peace-building in the past and present societies, globalization, and modern applications.
ANTH 405G – Forensic Anthropology. Forensic Anthropology deals with the medicolegal problem of identifying human skeletal remains. This course provides an elementary understanding of human skeletal biology, forensic archaeology, and the recovery and identification procedures involved when unknown skeletal remains are discovered.
ANTH 410G – Anthrozoology. Anthrozoology examines human-animal relationships from the perspective of anthropology with an emphasis on culture and its influence on attitudes toward animals.
ANTH 417G – Primate Ecology, Behavior and Evolution. This course takes an interdisciplinary approach to primatology utilizing principles from Anthropology, Ecology, Paleontology, and animal behavior. Students gain an understanding of the evolutionary history, adaptations, and conservation of primates and their habitats. Crosslisted with ZOOL 417G
ANTH 490 – Directed Research in Anthropology. Students will pursue a topic of special interest to the individual to be chosen in consultation with an instructor.
ANTH 494 – Internship. Supervised applied experience in occupationally related area. Seminars and written reports required.
Biological Sciences
ZOOL 417G – Primate Ecology, Behavior and Evolution. This course takes an interdisciplinary approach to primatology utilizing principles from Anthropology, Ecology, Paleontology, and animal behavior. Students gain an understanding of the evolutionary history, adaptations, and conservation of primates and their habitats. Crosslisted with ANTH 417G
CHEM 390 – Junior Project Laboratory. Laboratory research under the direction of a Chemistry faculty member.
CHEM 440 – Elementary Forensic Techniques. Applications of chemical principles to analysis of crime scene physical evidence including serology, drugs, explosive residues, arson debris, papers and inks, paint, and DNA fingerprinting. State-of-the-art techniques and instrumentation are used.
CHEM 451G – Applications of Forensic Chemistry. In-depth applications of physico-chemical principles to analysis of physical evidence from criminal investigations including explosive residues, arson debris, hairs, fibers, glass, paint, papers, inks, and soil. State-of-the-art techniques and instrumentation are used.
CHEM 452G – Forensic Toxicology and DNA Analysis. Applications of pharmacological, toxicological, and molecular biological principles to analysis of commonly encountered abused and toxic substances. Topics will include serology and DNA analysis. State-of-the-art techniques and instrumentation are used. Note: Course has since been split into two distinct classes
CHEM 455 WID – Forensic Serology and DNA Analysis. Applications of biochemical principles to analysis of human tissues, body fluids, and other biological forensic evidence. Topics will include serology, blood splatter evidence screening methods, and DNA analysis and interpretation. Writing Instruction in the Disciplines (WID) course.
CHEM 485 – Internship in Chemistry. An on-the-job experience in a government or industrial laboratory. To familiarize students with working environments—laboratory procedures and instrumentation they will encounter in a job situation. A formal written report is required.
CHEM 490 – Senior Project Laboratory. Laboratory research under the direction of a Chemistry faculty member. The work will include the use of the chemical literature in independent research programs. A formal written report of the investigation undertaken is required.
CHEM 491 – Honors Thesis in Chemistry. A thesis prepared under the direction of one or more faculty members.
CHEM 580 – Chemistry Graduate Seminar. Students gain experience in public speaking, in preparing abstracts and presentation materials, and simulate a professional presentation at a scientific conference.
CHEM 590 – Graduate Internship. Internship experience in cooperating industrial laboratory, government laboratory, or chemical educational program at WIU.
CHEM 591 – Graduate Internship Report. Preparation of a report related to a graduate internship experience.
Liberal Arts and Sciences
LAS 667 – Thesis. Prepared under direction of a faculty member with full graduate faculty status from within the College of Arts and Sciences. Defended before a committee composed of the faculty director and two graduate faculty.
Museum Studies
MST 560 – Museum Studies Practicum. Practical experience in museum/collections settings.